Terrain (journal)

Discipline anthropology
Language French
Publication details
Publisher Archéologie, Ethnologie, Inventaire et Système d'Information section of the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication and the Fondation de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris (France)
Publication history October 1983 - present
Frequency twice a year
Open access Delayed open access journal (4.5 years)
ISSN 1777-5450

Terrain is a French academic journal of ethnology, social and cultural anthropology (the three terms are not clearly distinguished in France).[1] Each issue is entirely devoted to a specific theme.[2] It aims to address both specialists and the educated general public; it was initially focused on contemporary France society and then extended on Europe; it also addresses theoretical considerations but with a language accessible to the general public.[1]

Notes and references

External links